5 Tips For Marketing Your Business To Gen Z

August 19, 2021
5 min read

The key to marketing your business is knowing what your target customers want. And as Gen Z is beginning to enter the consumer market, it’s crucial to know what makes them tick.

But marketing to Gen Zers can be a little tricky.  

They’re making waves as an outspoken and diverse generation. Many businesses are struggling to nail down the right marketing strategy to attract Gen Z consumers.

Want to know more about how to effectively market to Gen Z? This post will break down 5 marketing tips that will help you do just that. From showing your brand’s personality, to listening to and engaging with your audience, using these marketing strategies will help draw the eyes of Gen Z consumers and earn their respect.

Who Is Gen Z?

Before we can create effective marketing strategies aimed at Gen Z, we need to understand who they are.

Generation Z is considered to be individuals born between 1996 and 2015, and they make up over a quarter of Canada’s current population.

Gen Z is quickly becoming the biggest and most educated generation in the consumer market today. They are the most racially diverse generation yet and they have a deep desire to make an impact upon society.

Gen Z has also grown up online, making them very aware of global issues.

TIP #1 Meet Gen Z Online

To gain the attention of Gen Z, you must first be found by Gen Z.

Traditional advertising doesn’t work on Gen Zers — social media is the new billboard ad.

Gen Zers spend the majority of their time on social media, specifically on platforms like Instagram and TikTok. These platforms are where they go to discover new brands and connect with their online community.

The trick to capturing the attention of Gen Z is bite-sized content.

Gen Z’s short attention spans give you about 8 seconds to capture their attention before they move on, so short-form content is the way to go.

We recommend marketing on TikTok, or utilizing Instagram Stories and Reels to attract Gen Z consumers.

Tip #2 Promote Strong Values

Gen Zers aren’t just looking to buy your product – they’re looking to connect with your brand. Your brand’s reputation and values are important to Gen Zers.

It is important for you to promote your values and show Gen Zers the things that matter most to your brand.

Gen Z shoppers are more likely to buy from businesses who gain their respect through strong values. Gain that respect by showing your support for different movements that you’re passionate about – such as mental health, racial diversity, LGBTQ+ rights, or sustainability.

Tip #3 Show Your Brand's Personality

Authenticity is key. Gen Z doesn’t care about perfectly curated content. Ditch the formal persona and show off your brand’s personality!

What matters most is for brands to showcase the human side of their business. Gen Z consumers don’t want to feel like there’s a robot controlling your online presence.

Start posting more behind-the-scenes content, showcase employees, use humour in posts, and candidly engage with your audience online.

Tip #4 Encourage Posts About Your Brand

82% of Gen Z shoppers are more likely to buy from a brand recommended by others on social media. Gen Zers on social media are basically a free advertisement for your business, so make it exciting for them to post about your brand online!

Encouraging user-generated content is one of the best ways to do this. Establish a brand hashtag or let users tag your business online, and monitor these posts to share to your brand’s profile via stories or posts.

This will make Gen Z consumers feel seen and respected by your brand. They will be eager to post about your products or services for their followers to see.

TIP #5 Listen To What Gen Z Wants

The best way to know your audience is to listen to them – and with Gen Z always online, they’re making it easy for you to get to know them!

Pay attention to what your audience is saying about your brand. Find out what they like or don’t like, and tailor your products or services to their needs! Gen Z consumers are more likely to buy from brands that show an understanding of what their customers want.

In Other Words...

Targeting your marketing towards Gen Z really isn’t as difficult as it may seem.

In fact...

It’s easier to market your brand to Gen Z consumers than ever before!

They don’t care about perfectly curated content. They want the brands they support to be authentic and human.

Save time and money on pumping out perfectly curated content and instead focus on connecting with your audience in a closer way. You will gain loyal, passionate customers who will support your brand in the long run.

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