Boosted VS Paid Posts: What's The Difference

February 10, 2020
5 min read

First things first.

What’s the difference between a paid Facebook post and a boosted Facebook post?

Facebook ads offer companies a ton of options. Facebook ads let you target potential customers based on their age, gender, interests, location and more. Facebook ads also let you set highly specific goals and give you a plethora of data after a campaign has ended.

Boosted posts are slightly different. Unlike a Facebook ad, a boosted post is just like any normal Facebook post, only now you’ve put money behind it so it reaches a wider audience. However, you can’t customize the audience like you can with a Facebook ad. So while more people might see your post, it might not be the right people.

Facebook Ads

There are more than two billion people on Facebook every month. Which means there is a massive audience of potential customers just waiting to be reached.

Facebook ads come in a variety of forms, including canvas ads, carousel ads, and more.

Facebook allows you to customize and create ads that best serve your customers.

Finally, Facebook always includes a call-to-action with ads so you can generate leads or direct people to your website.

Boosted Posts

Boosted posts will appear on your page just like a regular post. Only now, it will reach a lot more people which means more engagement and (hopefully) more likes.

They also help you learn more about your audience. Typically, brands will boost posts that are already engaging well with their followers.

When you click Boost Post, you have the option to choose either pushing the post to “People who like your page and their friends” or “People you choose through targeting.” Then you can set a budget.

Which One Should I Choose?

Having trouble choosing between a Facebook ad or a boosted post? Determining what your goal is will help you make your decision. Facebook ads deliver tangible results while Boosted posts are a great way to increase your organic audience and put your brand in front of new eyes.

  • If you want to generate leads and increase website traffic and conversions, we recommend using Facebook ads
  • If you want to increase your page likes, generate comments, encourage shares and create brand awareness, we recommend using boosted posts.

Both are helpful tools that can help you reach a wide range of goals. However, at the end of the day we usually encourage our clients to use a healthy blend of both methods.

Computer open to guy on binoculars with the facebook logos inside the lenses

Some Things To Remember...

Boost Your Best: You don’t need to put money behind every post. Just boost your best ones. If a particular post is already engaging well with your followers, boosting it will help it gain even more traction, and maybe even earn you some more followers.

Promote Yourself: The content you boost should always be your own. Don’t boost shared articles, links or content from someone else. Why pay to market someone other than yourself?

Video is King: What content you promote is completely up to you! However, we always encourage our clients to use video as much as possible.

Facebook prioritizes native and live videos in the News Feed, especially ones with higher views or click rates. If a video is already performing well on your page, seize the day and throw some money behind it. You’ll be surprised at the results!

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